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Mantrov, Vadim; Birštonas, Ramūnas; Karklins, Janis; Kelli, Aleksei; Kull, Irene; Buka, Arnis; Barkane, Irena; Zanda, Davida. The implementation of the new consumer sales directives in the Baltic States: a step towards further harmonisation of consumer sales // New legal reality: challenges and perspectives. II: 8th international scientific conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia, 21–22 October 2021. Rīga : University of Latvia Press, 2022. ISBN 9789934188251. eISBN 9789934188268. p. 504-520. DOI: 10.22364/iscflul.8.2.36. |
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Birštonas, Ramūnas; Mantrov, Vadim; Kelli, Aleksei. The principle of appropriate and proportionate remuneration in copyright contracts and its implementation in the Baltic States // New legal reality: challenges and perspectives. II: 8th international scientific conference of the Faculty of Law of the University of Latvia, 21–22 October 2021. Rīga : University of Latvia Press, 2022. ISBN 9789934188251. eISBN 9789934188268. p. 435-444. DOI: 10.22364/iscflul.8.2.30. |
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Kelli, Aleksei; Lindén, Krister; Kamocki, Pawel; Vider, Kadri; Penny, Labropoulou; Birštonas, Ramūnas; Mantrov, Vadim; Hannesschläger, Vanessa; Del Gratta, Riccardo; Värv, Age; Tavits, Gaabriel; Vutt, Andres; Hoorn, Esther; Hajic, Jan; Tavast, Arvi. The interaction of personal data, intellectual property and freedom of expression in he context of language research // CLARIN annual conference 2021, virtual event, 2021, 27–29 September : selected papaers / edited by Monica Monachini and Maria Eskevich. Linköping, 2022. ISBN 9789179294441. p. 76-87. (Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, ISSN 1650-3686, eISSN 1650-3740 ; vol. 189). DOI: 10.3384/ecp1898. |
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Adcock, Mike; Beyleveld, Deryck; Birštonas, Ramūnas; Bogataj Jančič, Maja; Christodoulou, Konstantinos; Sugrañes, Teresa Franquet; Pérez, Pablo Garrido; Geiger, Christophe; Godt, Christine; Gómez Trinidad, Silvia; Gual Dalmau, Mariona; Guibault, Lucie; Kelli, Aleksei; Keresteš, Tomaž; Lubarda, Maja; Margoni, Thomas; Mates, Jan; O’Sullivan, Maureen; Pradi, Andrea; Repas, Martina; Resta, Giorgio; Rognstad, Ole-Andreas; Roy Pérez, Cristina; Schovsbo, Jens; Schreiner, Agnes; Schroff, Simone; Schulte in den Bäumen, Tobias; Štrancar, Simona; Targosz, Tomasz; Traple, Elżbieta; Van Overwalle, Geertrui; Venskaityte, Gabriele. Boundaries of information property / edited by Christine Godt, Geertrui Van Overwalle, Lucie Guibault, Deryck Beyleveld. Cambridge : Intersentia, 2022. 881 p. ISBN 9781839702303. eISBN 9781839703034. DOI: 10.1017/9781839703034. |
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Birštonas, Ramūnas. Rusijos Federacijoje stabdoma „nedraugiškų valstybių“ intelektinės nuosavybės apsauga // TeisėPro. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto Teisės fakultetas. 2022, kovo 17, p. [1-2]. Prieiga per internetą: <https://www.teise.pro/index.php/2022/03/17/r-birstonas-rusijos-federacijoje-stabdoma-nedraugisku-valstybiu-intelektines-nuosavybes-apsauga/>. |
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Birštonas, Ramūnas. Naujasis Autorių teisių įstatymas: pagrindinės naujovės (I dalis) // Teisė.Pro. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto Teisės fakultetas. 2022, balandžio 2, p. [1-2]. Prieiga per internetą: <https://www.teise.pro/index.php/2022/04/02/r-birstonas-naujasis-autoriu-teisiu-istatymas-pagrindines-naujoves-i-dalis/>. |
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