VU Medicinos fakulteto autoriaus 'Alina Urnikytė' publikacijų sąrašas

1 Anikevičiūtė, Gabija; Urnikytė, Alina; Massidda, Myosotis; Calò, Carla Maria; Tocco, Filippo; Takaragawa, Mizuki; Miyamoto-Mikami, Eri; Murakami, Haruka; Miyachi, Motohiko; Fuku, Noriyuki; Humińska-Lisowska, Kinga; Łosińska, Kinga; Cięszczyk, Pawel; Ginevičienė, Valentina. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene polymorphism rs6265 and elite athlete status in four independent populations // Biology of sport. Poznan : Termedia Publishing House Ltd. ISSN 0860-021X. eISSN 2083-1862. 2025, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 69-77. DOI: 10.5114/biolsport.2025.146786. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus]

1 Pranauskas, Dovydas; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Urnikytė, Alina. Lenticulostriate vasculopathy in newborns: whole genome sequencing data analysis // Evoliucinė medicina: kaip evoliucinis mąstymas gali prisidėti prie medicinos ir sveikatos mokslų raidos: šeštoji tarptautinė konferencija, 2024 m. birželio mėn. 18-21 d., Vilniaus universitetas, Lietuva = Evolutionary medicine: how evolutionary thinking can contribute to the medical and health sciences: the 6th international conference, 18th-21st of June, 2024, Vilnius University, Lithuania. Vilnius. 2024, p. 53. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
2 Daniūtė, Gintė; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Pakerys, Jurgis; Kloviņš, Jānis; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Urnikytė, Alina. Populations of Latvia and Lithuania in the context of some Indo-European and non-Indo-European speaking populations of Europe and India: insights from genetic structure analysis // Frontiers in genetics. Lausanne : Frontiers Media SA. eISSN 1664-8021. 2024, vol. 15, art. no 1493270, p. [1-9]. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2024.1493270. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus]
3 Anikevičiūtė, Gabija; Urnikytė, Alina; Massidda, Myosotis; Calò, Carla Maria; Tocco, Filippo; Takaragawa, Mizuki; Miyamoto-Mikami, Eri; Murakami, Haruka; Miyachi, Motohiko; Fuku, Noriyuki; Humińska-Lisowska, Kinga; Łosińska, Kinga; Cięszczyk, Pawel; Ginevičienė, Valentina. Genetinio varianto BDNF rs6265 reikšmė aukšto meistriškumo sportininkų pajėgumui Eurazijos populiacijų kontekste // Bioateitis: gamtos ir gyvybės mokslų perspektyvos: 17-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija : pranešimų tezės / leidinį sudarė J. Olechnovičienė. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla. ISSN 2783-8269. 2024, p. 29. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
4 Gutauskaitė, Kristijona; Ginevičienė, Valentina; Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kilaitė, Justina; Dadelienė, Rūta; Mastavičiūtė, Asta; Ahmetov, Ildus; Alekna, Vidmantas. Sarkopenija ir senatvinis išsekimo sindromas: plataus masto viso genomo asociacijos tyrimas // Bioateitis: gamtos ir gyvybės mokslų perspektyvos: 17-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija : pranešimų tezės / leidinį sudarė J. Olechnovičienė. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla. ISSN 2783-8269. 2024, p. 32. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
5 Jurkūnaitė, Laura; Ginevičienė, Valentina; Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kilaitė, Justina; Dadelienė, Rūta; Mastavičiūtė, Asta; Akhmetov, Ildus; Alekna, Vidmantas. Telomerų ilgio ypatumai esant sarkopenijai ir išsekimo sindromui // 17-oji Lietuvos jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencija Bioateitis: gamtos ir gyvybės mokslų perspektyvos, [2024 m. lapkričio 21 d.] : pranešimų tezės. Vilnius : LMA; Gamtos tyrimų centras. ISSN 2783-8269. 2024, p. 35.
6 Urnikytė, Alina; Masiulytė, Abigailė; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Disentagling archaic introgression and genomic signatures of selection at human immunity genes // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 56th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, June 10-13, 2023, Glasgow, Scotland : hybrid posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2024, vol. 32, suppl. 1, p. 708. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-023-01482-x. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)]
7 Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Understanding genetic changes between generations in human populations // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 57th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, June 1-4, 2024, Berlin, Germany : e-posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2024, vol. 32, suppl. 2, art. no. EP19.007, p. 1191. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-024-01733-5. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)]
8 Domarkienė, Ingrida; Sokhadze, Giorgi; Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Pylipienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. De novo structural variation in the Lithuanian population from short-read WGS data // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 57th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference: hybrid posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2024, vol. 32, suppl. 2, art. no. P14.009.C, p. 1575. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-024-01734-4. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)]

1 Masiulytė, Abigailė; Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. The impact of archaic genomes on the Lithuanian gene pool // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, June 11–14, 2022, Vienna, Austria: e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2023, vol. 31, suppl. 1, art. no. EP20.005, p. 309. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-023-01339-3. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.700; AIF: 4.350; Q2 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Molytė, Alma; Pilypienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inherited and de novo variation in Lithuanian genomes: introduction to the analysis of the generational shift // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, June 11–14, 2022, Vienna, Austria: e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2023, vol. 31, suppl. 1, art. no. P20.002.D, p. 640. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-023-01338-4. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.700; AIF: 4.350; Q2 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)]
3 Pranckėnienė, Laura; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Microevolutionary processes analysis in the Lithuanian genome // Scientific reports. Berlin : Springer Nature. ISSN 2045-2322. eISSN 2045-2322. 2023, vol. 13, iss. 1, art. no. 11941, p. [1-9]. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-39249-5. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus] [IF: 3.800; AIF: 5.700; Q1 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)]
4 Žukauskaitė, Gabrielė; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Vaitėnienė, Evelina Marija; Arasimavičius, Justas; Urnikytė, Alina; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Pilypienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Ambrozaitytė, Laima. Detection of recent positive selection signatures in the cohort of the Lithuanian Chernobyl catastrophe clean-up workers // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 55th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, June 11–14, 2022, Vienna, Austria: e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2023, vol. 31, suppl. 1, art. no. EP20.002, p. 309. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-023-01339-3. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.700; AIF: 4.350; Q2 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)]
5 Urnikytė, Alina; Masiulytė, Abigailė; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Disentangling archaic introgression and genomic signatures of selection at human immunity genes // Infection, genetics and evolution. Amsterdam : Elsevier BV. ISSN 1567-1348. eISSN 1567-7257. 2023, vol. 116, art. no. 105528, p. [1-9]. DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2023.105528. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus] [IF: 2.600; AIF: 4.200; Q3 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)]

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Molytė, Alma; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Pilypienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inherited and de novo variation in Lithuanian genomes: introduction to the analysis of the generational shift // Genes. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2073-4425. 2022, vol. 13, iss. 4, art. no. 569, p. [1-12]. DOI: 10.3390/genes13040569. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, PubMed, Embase]
2 Domarkienė, Ingrida; Žukauskaitė, Gabrielė; Urnikytė, Alina; Pranckėnienė, Laura; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Arasimavičius, Justas; Molytė, Alma; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Pilypienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Ambrozaitytė, Laima. Whole-genome sequencing data reveals higher number of structural variants in Chernobyl catastrophe clean-up workers from Lithuania // European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference 2022: hybrid conference, Vienna, Austria, June 11–14, 2022. Vienna : ESHG. 2022, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
3 Žukauskaitė, Gabrielė; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Vaitėnienė, Evelina Marija; Arasimavičius, Justas; Urnikytė, Alina; Dauengauer-Kirlienė, Svetlana; Pilypienė, Ingrida; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Ambrozaitytė, Laima. Detection of recent positive selection signatures in the cohort of Lithuanian Chernobyl catastrophe liquidators // European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference 2022: hybrid conference, Vienna, Austria, June 11–14, 2022. Vienna : ESHG. 2022, p. [1].
4 Ginevičienė, Valentina; Urnikytė, Alina. Association of COL12A1 rs970547 polymorphism with elite athlete status // Biomedicines. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2227-9059. 2022, vol. 10, iss. 10, art. no. 2495, p. [1-8]. DOI: 10.3390/biomedicines10102495. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus]
5 Urnikytė, Alina; Masiulytė, Abigailė; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inferences about archaic introgression and positive selection from Lithuanian whole-genome sequences // ASHG annual meeting 2022, Los Angeles, CA, October 25-29 : poster abstracts : The American Society of Human Genetics. 2022, abstract no. PB2806, p. 1928. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
6 Adomaitytė, Toma; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Kavaliauskienė, Ingrida; Meškienė, Raimonda; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Mažeikienė, Asta; Burokienė, Neringa; Coj, Andrejus; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Associations of genetic variants and inflammation markers in the Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, August 28-31, 2021 : e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2022, vol. 30, suppl. 1, art. no. P24.028.C, p. 592. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-021-01026-1. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 5.200; AIF: 5.050; Q1 (2022 InCities JCR SCIE)]
7 Janonytė, Neda; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Burokienė, Neringa; Mažeikienė, Asta; Coj, Andrejus; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Kavaliauskienė, Ingrida; Meškienė, Raimonda; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Association between indicators of lipid metabolism and genetic profile in the Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference, August 28-31, 2021: e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2022, vol. 30, suppl. 1, art. no. P24.032.C, p. 593-594. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-021-01026-1. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 5.200; AIF: 5.050; Q1 (2022 InCities JCR SCIE)]
8 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inferring effective population size and divergence time in the Lithuanian population according to high-density genotyping data // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 54th European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) conference: e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2022, vol. 30, suppl. 1, art. no. P19.015.C, p. 526. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-021-01026-1. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 5.200; AIF: 5.050; Q1 (2022 InCities JCR SCIE)]

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inferring effective population size and divergence time in the Lithuanian population according to high‐density genotyping data // ESHG 2021: virtual conference, August 28-31 : European Society of Human Genetics. 2021, P19.015.C / C, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/10372/presentation/1664>.
2 Janonytė, Neda; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Burokienė, Neringa; Mažeikienė, Asta; Coj, Andrejus; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Kavaliauskienė, Ingrida; Meškienė, Raimonda; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Association between indicators of lipid metabolism and genetic profile in the Lithuanian population // ESHG 2021 virtual conference, August 28-31, 2021 : European Society of Human Genetics. 2021, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/10372/presentation/1888>.
3 Adomaitytė, Toma; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Karčiauskaitė, Dovilė; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Kavaliauskienė, Ingrida; Meškienė, Raimonda; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Mažeikienė, Asta; Burokienė, Neringa; Coj, Andrejus; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Associations of genetic variants and inflammation markers in the Lithuanian population // ESHG 2021 virtual conference, August 28-31, 2021 : European Society of Human Genetics. 2021, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/10372/presentation/2199>.
4 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Genome‐wide landscape of North‐Eastern European populations: a view from Lithuania // Genes. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2073-4425. 2021, vol. 12, no. 11, art. no. 1730, p. [1-13]. DOI: 10.3390/genes12111730. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus]
5 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Historical demography of Lithuania and relationship to other populations // ASHG virtual meeting, 2021 October 18-22. [s.l.] : American Society of Human Genetics. 2021, abstract no. PrgmNr.2141, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <>.
6 Molytė, Alma; Urnikytė, Alina. Artimumo matų lyginamoji analizė Lietuvos populiacijos struktūros nustatymui = A comparative analysis of proximity measures to determine the Lithuanian population structure // Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Ser. B. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. ISSN 0132-2818. eISSN 2335-898X. 2021, t. 62, p. 86-93. DOI: 10.15388/LMR.2021.25232. [DB: Zentralblatt MATH (zbMATH), Dimensions, Scilit]
7 Domarkienė, Ingrida; Žukauskaitė, Gabrielė; Matulevičienė, Aušra; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Ambrozaitytė, Laima. CNV characteristics in Chernobyl power plant catastrophe clean-up workers from Lithuania suggest unique genetic variation structure // ASHG virtual meeting, 2021 October 18-22 : American Society of Human Genetics. 2021, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <>.

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Flores Bello, A.; Mondal, M.; Molytė, Alma; Comas, D.; Calafell, F.; Bosch, E.; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. The fine-scale genetic structure & adaptive positive selection in the Lithuanian population from high-density SNP data // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 53rd European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) Conference: Interactive e-Posters. London : Springer Nature. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2020, vol. 28, suppl. 1, art. no. P19.075.A, p. 726. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-020-00739-z. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 4.246; AIF: 5.241; Q2 (2020 InCities JCR SCIE)]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inferring effective population size and divergence time in the Lithuanian population according to high-density genotyping data // Genes. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2073-4425. 2020, vol. 11, iss. 3, art. no. 293, p. 1-10. DOI: 10.3390/genes11030293. [DB: MEDLINE, Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 4.096; AIF: 4.666; Q2 (2020 InCities JCR SCIE)]
3 Urnikytė, Alina; Flores Bello, Andres; Mondal, Mayukh; Molytė, Alma; Comas, David; Calafell, Francesc; Bosch, Elena; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. The fine-scale genetic structure & adaptive positive selection in the Lithuanian population from high-density SNP data // ESHG 2020.2 - Live in Your Living Room : Virtual conference : June 6–9, 2020, Berlin, Germany / European Society for Human Genetics (ESHG). Berlin : European Society for Human Genetics (ESHG). 2020, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/9102/presentation/2081> [žiūrėta 2020-07-01].
4 Urnikytė, Alina; Flores Bello, Andres; Mondal, Mayukh; Molytė, Alma; Comas, David; Calafell, Francesc; Bosch, Elena; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Microevolutionary processes in the Lithuanian population // ASHG virtual meeting, 2020 October 27-30. [s.l.] : American Society of Human Genetics. 2020, abstract no. 3004, p. 1. Prieiga per internetą: <!/9070/presentation/2381>.

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Flores-Bello, Andre; Mondal, Mayukh; Molytė, Alma; Comas, David; Calafell, Francesc; Bosch, Elena; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Patterns of genetic structure and adaptive positive selection in the Lithuanian population from high-density SNP data // Scientific reports. London : Nature publishing group. ISSN 2045-2322. 2019, vol. 9, art. no. 9163, p. 1-11. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-45746-3. [DB: MEDLINE, Biological Abstracts, Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.998; AIF: 5.327; Q1 (2019 InCities JCR SCIE)]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Mondal, M; Molytė, Alma; Bosch, Elena; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Identifying signatures of positive selection in the Lithuanian population from high-density SNP data // European human genetics conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 15-18, 2019 : ESHG. 2019, [p. 1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/7874/presentation/4055> [žiūrėta 2019-06-28].
3 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Detecting the recent changes of effective population size in the Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: Abstracts from the 50th European Society of Human genetics conference: electronic posters, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 27–30, 2017. London : Springer. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2019, vol. 26, suppl. p. 1007. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-018-0248-6. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.657; AIF: 4.393; Q2 (2019 InCities JCR SCIE)]
4 Molytė, Alma; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. A comparative analysis of mathematical methods for homogeneity estimation of the Lithuanian population = Matematinių metodų, taikomų lietuvos populiacijos homogeniškumui nustatyti, lyginamoji analizė // Acta medica Lituanica. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla. ISSN 1392-0138. eISSN 2029-4174. 2019, vol. 26, no. 4, p. 211-216. DOI: 10.6001/actamedica.v26i4.4206. [DB: Scopus, Index Copernicus, MEDLINE, Index Academicus]
5 Urnikytė, Alina; Mondal, M.; Molytė, Alma; Bosch, E.; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Identifying signatures of positive selection in the Lithuanian population from high-density SNP data // European journal of human genetics: Conference Abstracts from the 52nd European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG), Gothenburg, Sweden, Jun 15-18, 2019. London : Springer. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2019, vol. 27, suppl. 2, art. no. P18.55C, p. 1766-1767. DOI: 10.1038/s41431-019-0494-2. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.657; AIF: 4.393; Q2 (2019 InCities JCR SCIE)]
6 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Relationship between effective population size and inbreeding in the Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: Conference: 51st Conference of the European-Society-of-Human-Genetics (ESHG) in conjunction with the European Meeting on Psychosocial Aspects of Genetics (EMPAG), Milan, Italy, June 16-19, 2018. London : Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2019, vol. 27, suppl. 1, p. 639. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2021-04-22]. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 3.657; AIF: 4.393; Q2 (2019 InCities JCR SCIE)]

1 Molytė, Alma; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. A comparative analysis of effective population size in six ethnolinguistic groups of the Lithuania population // Laboratorinë medicina. Vilnius : Lietuvos laboratorinės medicinos draugija. ISSN 1392-6470. 2018, T. 20, Spec. suppl. p. S32. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2018-06-19]. [DB: Index Copernicus]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Mondal, Mayukh; Bosch, Elena; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Detecting signatures of adaptive positive selection from high-density genotyping data in the Lithuanian population // Juvenes Pro Medicina : 56th Polish and 14th International Conference, 2018, 25-26 May 2018, Lodz, Poland. Łódź : Medical University of Łódź, 2018. ISBN 9788394762711. p. 239.
3 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Relationship between effective population size and inbreeding in the Lithuanian population // European human genetics conference 2018 in conjunction with the European meeting on psychosocial aspects of genetics, Milan, Italy, June 16 - 19. Milan : ESHG. 2018, abstract no. P18.24D / D, p. [1]. Prieiga per internetą: <!/4652/presentation/3847> [žiūrėta 2018-07-26].
4 Urnikytė, Alina; Mondal, M.; Bosch, E.; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Detecting signatures of adaptive positive selection from high–density genotyping data in the Lithuanian population // American Society of Human Genetics 68th annual meeting, October 16-20, 2018, San Diego : poster abstracts. Rockville : ASHG. 2018, abstract no. 2738F, p. 658.

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Recent effective population size estimated from segments of identity by descent in the Lithuanian population // Anthropological science. Tokyo : Anthropological Society of Nippon. ISSN 0918-7960. 2017, Vol. 125, iss. 2, p. 53-58. DOI: 10.1537/ase.170125. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, IBSS (International Bibliography of the Social Sciences), BIOSIS Previews] [IF: 0.618; AIF: 3.916; Q4 (2017 InCities JCR SCIE)]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Detecting the recent changes of effective population size in the Lithuanian population // European human genetics conference 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 27-30. Copenhagen : ESHG. 2017, abstract no E-P18.14 [p. 1]. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2017-10-03].
3 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis; Kučinskienė, Zita Aušrelė. Recent changes in contemporary effective population size from identical by descent segments // American Society of Human Genetics 67th Annual Meeting, October 17-21, 2017, Orlando, Florida : poster abstracts. Rockville : ASHG. 2017, Abstract 2315T, p. 976. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2017-11-09].

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Stoma, Svetlana; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Uktverytė, Ingrida; Meškienė, Raimonda; Kasiulevičius, Vytautas; Burokienė, Neringa; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. CNV analysis in the Lithuanian population // BMC genetics. London : BioMed Central Ltd. ISSN 1471-2156. 2016, Vol. 17, Art. No. 64. DOI: 10.1186/s12863-016-0373-6. [DB: Embase, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, MEDLINE] [IF: 2.266; AIF: 4.064; Q3 (2016 InCities JCR SCIE)]
2 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Recent effective population size estimated from segments of identity by descent in the Lithuanian population // Evoliucinė medicina: šiuolakinių sveikatos problemų evoliuciniai mechanizmai ir dėsningumai = Evolutionary medicine: pre-existing mechanisms and patterns of current health issues : trečioji tarptautinė konferencija, 2016 m. birželio mėn. 14-19 d. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto Medicinos fakultetas; Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2016. ISBN 9786094597206. p. 77.
3 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Demographic inference of the Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: The European Human Genetics Conference, 2016, May 21-24, Barcelona, Spain : abstracts book. London : Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 1018-4813. eISSN 1476-5438. 2016, vol. 24, e-suppl. 1, p. 388. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2016-09-02]. [DB: MEDLINE, Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science)] [IF: 4.287; AIF: 4.136; Q1 (2016 InCities JCR SCIE)]
4 Urnikytė, Alina; Molytė, Alma; Pranckevičienė, Erinija; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Inference of evolutionary relationships among human populations based on the estimates of effective population size // American Society of Human Genetics 66th Annual Meeting, October 18–22, 2016, Vancouver, Canada : poster abstracts. Vancouver : ASHG. 2016, p. 491. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2016-10-07].
5 Molytė, Alma; Urnikytė, Alina; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. A comparative analysis of mathematical methods for effective population size estimation = Matematinių metodų lyginamoji analizė efektyvaus populiacijos dydžio nustatymui // Lietuvos matematikos rinkinys. Ser. A. Vilnius : Matematikos ir informatikos institutas. ISSN 0132-2818. 2016, T. 57, p. 53-58. DOI: 10.15388/LMR.A.2016.10.

1 Urnikytė, Alina; Domarkienė, Ingrida; Uktverytė, Ingrida; Ambrozaitytė, Laima; Meškienė, Raimonda; Kučinskas, Vaidutis. Genomic diversity and distribution of CNVs in Lithuanian population // European journal of human genetics: European Human Genetics Conference joint with the British Society of Genetics Medicine, June 6 - 9, 2015, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom: Abstracts / European Society of Human Genetics. London : Nature Publishing Group. ISSN 1018-4813. 2015, Vol. 23, Supplement 1, p. 332-333. [IF: 4.580; AIF: 4.099; Q1 (2015 InCities JCR SCIE)]