1 | Grigaliūnaitė, Justina; Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana. Automatic accent identification using less data: a shift from global to segmental accent // Arabian journal for science and engineering. Heidelberg : Springer Nature. ISSN 2193-567X. eISSN 2191-4281. 2024, Early Access, p. [1-14]. DOI: 10.1007/s13369-024-09344-4. |
2 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Aidokas, Linas; Dzemyda, Gintautas; Dzemydaitė, Giedrė; Marcinkevičius, Virginijus; Melnikienė, Danguolė; Tiešis, Vytautas; Usovaitė, Ana. When exponential growth bias gets worse: an experiment with an educational intervention // DAMSS 2023: 14th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 30 - December 2, 2023. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2023. eISBN 9786090709856. p. 61-62. (Vilnius University proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233 ; vol. 39). DOI: 10.15388/DAMSS.14.2023. |
3 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana (tyrėjas). Skaitinės vizualinės informacijos apdorojimo nuokrypiai: moduliuojančių faktorių analizė = Analyzing factors modulating exponential growth bias in graphs. Vilnius, 2023. 1 failas. DOI: 10.18279/MIDAS.Expoviz.203466. |
4 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana (tyrėjas). Modelling and analyzing consumer behavior under Covid-19. Vilnius, 2021. 4 failai. DOI: 10.18279/MIDAS.CogniMod. |
5 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana. The exponential growth bias in graphs: how to avoid contextual pitfalls // Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society: Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. 6. Member abstracts : University of California. eISSN 1069-7977. 2023, vol. 45, p. 3871. Prieiga per internetą: <https://escholarship.org/uc/item/4099f7jn>. |
6 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Navickas, Gediminas. Can better perception become a disadvantage? Synthetic speech perception in congenitally blind users // INTERSPEECH 2023. Proceedings of the annual conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH, 20-24 August 2023, Dublin, Ireland : International Speech Communication Association. ISSN 2308-457X. eISSN 1990-9772. 2023, p. 1100-1103. DOI: 10.21437/Interspeech.2023-2013. |
7 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Aidokas, Linas; Dzemyda, Gintautas; Dzemydaitė, Giedrė; Marcinkevičius, Virginijus; Tiešis, Vytautas; Usovaitė, Ana. Is my visualization better than yours? Analyzing factors modulating exponential growth bias in graphs // Frontiers in psychology. Lausanne : Frontiers Media SA. eISSN 1664-1078. 2023, vol. 14, art. no. 1125810, p. [1-11]. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1125810.s001. |
8 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Bernatavičienė, Jolita; Korvel, Gražina; Navickas, Gediminas; Tamulevičius, Gintautas; Treigys, Povilas. An overview of Lithuanian intonation: a linguistic and modelling perspective // Informatica. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. ISSN 0868-4952. eISSN 1822-8844. 2022, vol. 33, iss. 4, p. 795-832. DOI: 10.15388/22-INFOR502. |
9 | Navickas, Gediminas; Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Treigys, Povilas. Measuring the quality of synthetic speech // DAMSS: 12th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 2–4, 2021. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2021. ISBN 9786090706732. eISBN 9786090706749. p. 54. (Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233 ; vol. 17). DOI: 10.15388/DAMSS.12.2021. |
10 | Navickas, Gediminas; Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana. Evaluating synthesized speech: the cognitive approach // DAMSS: 13th conference on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, December 1–3, 2022. Vilnius : Vilnius University Press, 2022. ISBN 9786090707944. eISBN 9786090707951. p. 68. (Vilnius University Proceedings, eISSN 2669-0233 ; vol. 31). DOI: 10.15388/DAMSS.13.2022. |
11 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Navickas, Gediminas. Do we all perceive synthetic speech in the same way? Testing congenitally blind versus sighted listeners // Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society / J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati, V. Ramenzoni (eds.) : University of California. ISSN 1069-7977. 2022, vol. 44, p. 3864. Prieiga per internetą: <https://escholarship.org/uc/cognitivesciencesociety/44/44>. |
12 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Turnbull, Rory; Peperkamp, Sharon. On the relationship between perception and production of L2 sounds: Evidence from Anglophones’ processing of the French /u/–/y/ contrast // Second language research. London : SAGE Publications Ltd. ISSN 0267-6583. eISSN 1477-0326. 2022, vol. 38, iss. 3, p. 581-605. DOI: 10.1177/0267658320988061. |
13 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Peperkamp, Sharon. High-Variability Phonetic Training enhances second language lexical processing: evidence from online training of French learners of English // Bilingualism: language and cognition. New York : Cambridge University Press. ISSN 1366-7289. eISSN 1469-1841. 2021, vol. 24, iss. 3, p. 497-506. DOI: 10.1017/S1366728920000644. |
14 | Melnik-Leroy, Gerda Ana; Dzemyda, Gintautas. How to influence the results of MCDM? - Evidence of the impact of cognitive biases // Mathematics. Basel : MDPI. eISSN 2227-7390. 2021, vol. 9, iss. 2, art. no. 121, p. [1-25]. DOI: 10.3390/math9020121. |
15 | Melnik, Gerda Ana. Data analysis methods from the perspective of experimental sciences // 11th international workshop on data analysis methods for software systems, Druskininkai, Lithuania, November 28-30, 2019 / Lithuanian Computer Society, Vilnius University Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies, Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Vilnius : Vilnius University, 2019. ISBN 9786090703243. eISBN 9786090703250. p. 54. Prieiga per internetą: <https://www.mii.lt/datamss/files/DAMSS_2019.pdf>. |