VU Chemijos ir geomokslų fakulteto publikacijos autoriaus 'Indrė Gečaitė' publikacijų sąrašas

1 Rimkus, Egidijus; Stonevičius, Edvinas; Gečaitė, Indrė; Mačiulytė, Viktorija; Valiukas, Donatas. Impact of meteorological conditions on overhead transmission line outages in Lithuania // Atmosphere. Basel : MDPI AG. eISSN 2073-4433. 2024, vol. 15, iss. 11, art. no. 1349, p. [1-15]. DOI: 10.3390/atmos15111349. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006]

1 Gečaitė, Indrė; Rimkus, Egidijus. Wintertime cold and warm spells in the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region // Natural hazards. New York : Springer. ISSN 0921-030X. eISSN 1573-0840. 2023, vol. 115, p. 2435-2456. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-022-05648-6. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006] [IF: 3.300; AIF: 3.933; Q2 (2023 InCities JCR SCIE)] [Aut. ind.: 0.500]

1 Gečaitė, Indrė. The role of stratosphere-troposphere coupling in the occurrence of wintertime extreme temperature events over the eastern part of the Baltic Sea region // Boreal environment research. Helsinki : Finnish Environment Institute. ISSN 1239-6095. eISSN 1797-2469. 2022, vol. 27, p. 145-160. Prieiga per internetą: <>. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006] [IF: 1.200; AIF: 6.500; Q4 (2022 InCities JCR SCIE)] [Aut. ind.: 1.000]

1 Gečaitė, Indrė. Climatology of three-dimensional Eliassen–Palm wave activity fluxes in the Northern Hemisphere stratosphere from 1981 to 2020 // Climate. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2225-1154. 2021, vol. 9, iss. 8, art. no. 124, p. [1-14]. DOI: 10.3390/cli9080124. [DB: GeoRef, Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006]

1 Gečaitė, Indrė. Variability of wind storms during cold season in Northern Europe over the past 70 years // The Baltic Sea in transition : 2nd Baltic Earth conference, Helsingør, Denmark, 11 to 15 June 2018 : conference proceedings / edited by Silke Köppen, Marcus Reckermann. Geesthacht : International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publications. 2018, p. 75-76. (International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication, ISSN 2198-4247 ; vol. 13). Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2019-02-05]. [M. kr.: N 006]

1 Gečaitė, Indrė; Rimkus, Egidijus. Sniego dangos režimas Lietuvoje = Snow cover regime in Lithuania // Geografija / Lietuvos mokslų akademija. Vilnius : Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla. ISSN 1392-1096. 2010, t. 46, nr. 1-2, p. 17-24. Prieiga per internetą: <> [žiūrėta 2018-08-08]. [DB: GeoRef, Academic Search Premier] [M. kr.: N 006]