VU Chemijos ir geomokslų fakulteto publikacijos autoriaus 'Ieva Misiūnė' publikacijų sąrašas

1 Roy, Sanjoy; Saha, Monojit; Hasan, Md Mehedi; Razzaque, Afifa; Sumaiya, Nusrat; Hoque, Muhammad Al-Amin; Misiūnė, Ieva; Ambrosino, Maurizio; Depellegrin, Daniel. Multi-pressure based environmental vulnerability assessment in a coastal area of Bangladesh: A case study on Cox’s Bazar // Geomatica : Elsevier. ISSN 1925-4296. eISSN 1195-1036. 2024, vol. 76, iss. 2, art. no. 100030, p. [1-15]. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomat.2024.100030. [DB: Scopus] [M. kr.: S 002]
2 Veteikis, Darijus; Skorupskas, Ričardas; Mačiulytė, Jurgita; Misiūnė, Ieva; Mačiulaitis, Julius. Spatio-temporal transitions of agrarian landscape affected by Soviet land reclamation campaign in Lithuanian lowlands and uplands. // PECSRL 2024: Borderscapes – past and future: 30th Jubilee Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscapes, 9-15 September 2024, Lublin and Zamość, Poland : abstract book. Lublin : University of Lublin, 2024. ISBN 9788397265608. p. 65. [M. kr.: S 005]
3 Kapilovaitė, Justina; Misiūnė, Ieva. Gamta pagrįsti sprendimai Lietuvoje: pritaikomumas, sprendžiamos problemos ir kylantys iššūkiai // Geographia juventa: VIII-osios nacionalinės jaunųjų geografų konferencijos medžiaga, 2024 m. kovo 28 d., Vilnius. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. eISSN 2783-7645. 2024, p. 10-11. Prieiga per internetą: <>. [M. kr.: N 006]
4 Kapilovaitė, Justina; Misiūnė, Ieva. Implementing nature-based solutions: types of actions, addressed challenges and received benefits // 5th Baltic earth conference New challenges for Baltic sea, earth system research, 13 -17 May 2024, Jūrmala, Latvia : conference proceedings. Geesthacht : International Baltic Earth Secretariat. 2024, p. 98-99. (International Baltic Earth Secretariat Publication, ISSN 2198-4247 ; no. 23). Prieiga per internetą: <>. [M. kr.: N 006]
5 Roy, Sanjoy; Saha, Monojit; Hasan, Md Mehedi; Razzaque, Afifa; Sumaiya, Nusrat; Hoque, Muhammad Al-Amin; Misiūnė, Ieva; Ambrosino, Maurizio; Depellegrin, Daniel. Multi-pressure based environmental vulnerability assessment in a coastal area of Bangladesh: A case study on Cox’s Bazar // Geomatica : Elsevier. ISSN 1925-4296. eISSN 1195-1036. 2024, vol. 76, iss. 2, art. no. 100030, p. [1-15]. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomat.2024.100030. [DB: Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006]

1 Leone, Michael; Misiūnė, Ieva; Valença Pinto, Luis; Palliwoda, Julia; Carmen, Raïsa; Jacobs, Sander; Priess, Jörg A. Lost in implementation? A field study of the uptake of the ‘green infrastructure’ term and concept in urban policies // Ecosystems and people. Abingdon : Taylor and Francis Ltd. ISSN 2639-5908. eISSN 2639-5916. 2023, vol. 19, no. 1, art. no. 2220831, p. [1-14]. DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2023.2220831. [DB: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: S 002]
2 Leone, Michael; Misiūnė, Ieva; Valença Pinto, Luis; Palliwoda, Julia; Carmen, Raïsa; Jacobs, Sander; Priess, Jörg A. Lost in implementation? A field study of the uptake of the ‘green infrastructure’ term and concept in urban policies // Ecosystems and people. Abingdon : Taylor and Francis Ltd. ISSN 2639-5908. eISSN 2639-5916. 2023, vol. 19, no. 1, art. no. 2220831, p. [1-14]. DOI: 10.1080/26395916.2023.2220831. [DB: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006]
3 Misiūnė, Ieva. Do we need different urban green spaces now? A case study of preferences during pandemics // Land: Special issue: The use and perception of urban green space in the wake of COVID-19. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2073-445X. 2023, vol. 12, iss. 12, art. no. 2106, p. [1-16]. DOI: 10.3390/land12122106. [DB: Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: S 003]
4 Misiūnė, Ieva. Do we need different urban green spaces now? A case study of preferences during pandemics // Land: Special issue: The use and perception of urban green space in the wake of COVID-19. Basel : MDPI. ISSN 2073-445X. 2023, vol. 12, iss. 12, art. no. 2106, p. [1-16]. DOI: 10.3390/land12122106. [DB: Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: N 006]
5 Misiūnė, Ieva; Skorupskas, Ričardas; Veteikis, Darijus. Miesto žaliųjų erdvių ekologinės-rekreacinės kokybės vertinimas ir jo rodikliai, panaudojant nuotolinius ir internetinių šaltinių duomenis = Assessment of the ecological-recreational quality of urban green spaces and their indicators using remote sensing data and online sources // Geografijos metraštis. Vilnius : Lietuvos geografų draugija, Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas. ISSN 2424-3434. eISSN 2335-8610. 2023, t. 55-56 (2022-2023), p. 3-23. DOI: 10.5200/GM.2023.1. [DB: GeoRef, CEJSH] [M. kr.: N 006]
6 Misiūnė, Ieva; Skorupskas, Ričardas; Veteikis, Darijus. Miesto žaliųjų erdvių ekologinės-rekreacinės kokybės vertinimas ir jo rodikliai, panaudojant nuotolinius ir internetinių šaltinių duomenis = Assessment of the ecological-recreational quality of urban green spaces and their indicators using remote sensing data and online sources // Geografijos metraštis. Vilnius : Lietuvos geografų draugija, Lietuvos socialinių mokslų centro Sociologijos institutas. ISSN 2424-3434. eISSN 2335-8610. 2023, t. 55-56 (2022-2023), p. 3-23. DOI: 10.5200/GM.2023.1. [DB: GeoRef, CEJSH] [M. kr.: S 003]

1 Misiūnė, Ieva; Kažys, Justas. Accessibility to and fragmentation of urban green infrastructure: importance for adaptation to climate change // Human-nature interactions: exploring nature’s values across landscapes / editors: Ieva Misiune, Daniel Depellegrin, Lukas Egarter Vigl. Cham : Springer, 2022, chapter 19. ISBN 9783031019791. eISBN 9783031019807. p. 235-246. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-01980-7_19. [DB: SpringerLink] [M. kr.: N 006]
2 Egarter Vigl, Lukas; Depellegrin, Daniel; Misiūnė, Ieva. Conceptualizing human – nature interactions – an overview // Human - nature interactions: exploring nature’s values across landscapes / Ieva Misiune, Daniel Depellegrin, Lukas Egarter Vigl (editors). Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. ISBN 9783031019791. eISBN 9783031019807. p. 3-11. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-01980-7_1. [M. kr.: N 006]
3 Egarter Vigl, Lukas; Depellegrin, Daniel; Misiūnė, Ieva. Conceptualizing human – nature interactions – an overview // Human - nature interactions: exploring nature’s values across landscapes / Ieva Misiune, Daniel Depellegrin, Lukas Egarter Vigl (editors). Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. ISBN 9783031019791. eISBN 9783031019807. p. 3-11. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-01980-7_1. [M. kr.: S 002]

1 Misiūnė, Ieva; Julian, Jason P.; Veteikis, Darijus. Pull and push factors for use of urban green spaces and priorities for their ecosystem services: case study of Vilnius, Lithuania // Urban forestry & urban greening. Munich : Elsevier. ISSN 1618-8667. eISSN 1610-8167. 2021, vol. 58, art. no. 126899, p. [1-12]. DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2020.126899. [DB: Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science), Scopus] [M. kr.: S 003] [IF: 5.766; AIF: 3.077; Q1 (2021 InCities JCR SCIE)] [Aut. ind.: 0.334]

1 Depellegrin, Daniel; Menegon, Stefano; Gusatu, Laura; Roy, Sanjoy; Misiūnė, Ieva. Assessing marine ecosystem services richness and exposure to anthropogenic threats in small sea areas: A case study for the Lithuanian sea space // Ecological indicators. Amsterdam : Elsevier. ISSN 1470-160X. eISSN 1872-7034. 2020, vol. 108, art. no. 105730, p. [1-10]. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105730. [DB: Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, BIOSIS Previews, GEOBASE] [M. kr.: N 006] [IF: 4.958; AIF: 5.201; Q2 (2020 InCities JCR SCIE)] [Aut. ind.: 0.200]

1 Misiūnė, Ieva; Veteikis, Darijus. Miesto ekosistemų paslaugų vertinimas ir kartografavimas: potencialas Vilniaus mieste = Mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem services: capacity in Vilnius city // Geografijos metraštis. Vilnius : Lietuvos geografų draugija. ISSN 0132-3156. eISSN 2335-8610. 2019, vol. 52, p. 23-38. DOI: 10.5200/GM.2019.2. [DB: VINITI, CEJSH, GeoRef] [M. kr.: S 005]